Potkaars Podcast - Interviews en reportages
Nederlands - English Podcasts of Potkaars interviews. Potkaars literally in Dutch - means 'pot with candle'. Phonetically it's podcasts. They shed light. Interviews with journalists, activist, whistleblowers, lawyers, citizen reporting.
Potkaars Podcast - Interviews en reportages
20190304 Geopolitics And Empire (English)
Hrvoje Morić runs a channel called 'Geopolitics and Empire' from Kazachstan, where he's interviewed many interesting people. We got in touch and talked about our shared and different perspectives; we exchanged views. Here’s a first conversation about learning, teaching, podcasting, politics (and Pirate Party). Let’s connect.article on: https://potkaars.nl/blog/2019/3/5/20190305-geopolitics-amp-empire-and-the-many-stream-media