Potkaars Podcast - Interviews en reportages
Nederlands - English Podcasts of Potkaars interviews. Potkaars literally in Dutch - means 'pot with candle'. Phonetically it's podcasts. They shed light. Interviews with journalists, activist, whistleblowers, lawyers, citizen reporting.
Potkaars Podcast - Interviews en reportages
20190428 Barrett Brown (English)
Barrett Brown is a U.S. based journalist turned activist who ended up in jail for doing just that. In the interview he talks about how having had ‘the system’ thrown at him and doing time, turned into a strength. Barrett talkes about Anonymous. About how the Department of Justice works a campaign against whistleblowers, about Aaron Swartz. About how free press might be salvaged.article on: https://potkaars.nl/blog/2019/4/28/journalist-and-internet-privacy-activist-barret-brown