Potkaars Podcast - Interviews en reportages
Nederlands - English Podcasts of Potkaars interviews. Potkaars literally in Dutch - means 'pot with candle'. Phonetically it's podcasts. They shed light. Interviews with journalists, activist, whistleblowers, lawyers, citizen reporting.
Potkaars Podcast - Interviews en reportages
20190309 Alfred De Zayas Chelsea Manning (English)
In this interview professor of international law and human rights expert Alfred de Zayas talks about the grand jury system and puts the situation of Manning in perspective of human rights and international law. De Zayas: ‘what we have here is a classical case of law-fare ... a whistleblower who already did several years and had her sentence commuted was locked up again for refusing to testify against a publisher and publishing org’.further reading: https://potkaars.nl/blog/2019/3/9/20190309-alfred-de-zayas-chelsea-manning