Potkaars Podcast - Interviews en reportages
Nederlands - English Podcasts of Potkaars interviews. Potkaars literally in Dutch - means 'pot with candle'. Phonetically it's podcasts. They shed light. Interviews with journalists, activist, whistleblowers, lawyers, citizen reporting.
Potkaars Podcast - Interviews en reportages
20190210 Alfred De Zayas Venezuela coup d'état (English)
Interview turned masterclass on history and international law, Alfred De Zayas is outspoken: ‘what shocks me in the case of Venezuela is not that a demented president wants to irrigate upon himself the right to determine “I want this person as president of Venezuela and I want this person as whatever” but the fact that the Dutch the French the Spaniards the Canadians have followed suit so you have here actually a revolt against international law carried out not by banana republics but is carried out by countries that claim to be committed to democracy rule of law and human rights’.article on: